
Under the British Mediums act, I am duty bound to inform you that readings are a form of experiment, where no claims are made and results cannot be guaranteed. Under no circumstances will I predict, an outcome of an illness, death, or issues relating to pregnancy. At no point, should a reading make you feel anxious, and you should come away from a reading feeling better for it, not worse.

As a psychic-Medium I do not describe myself as fortune teller, but as the conduit who tries to give evidence of survival after life, which may include a glimpse from spirit as to the overall situation affecting you at a given time

I can only pass on the communications received through spiritual connection as they see fit to give me.

You must be 18 years of age or older to get a psychic reading, and you will be asked your date of birth. You must be the bill payer. All information provided within a reading are for entertainment purposes only.

Consultations are confidential. However, information on abuse, crime, or where a vulnerable adult is concerned, comes to light during a reading, it will need to be reported to the proper law enforcement or governmental agencies.

Readings are not meant to replace the services or advice of a doctor, psychiatrist, counsellor, financial advisor, solicitor or any other trained professional.

When used correctly readings can be used to complement and enhance the above.

As a Spiritualist I believe that you are responsible for the choices you make in your life. Therefore, choices, consequences and/or actions made by you based on your reading are solely your responsibility.