The Mystic Magpie

Time for a confession, when it comes to crystals I am a mystic magpie.
By that I mean that I am attracted to bright shiny stones, always have been, and most likely always will be!

Back in 2009, I decided to take my fascination of stones, to a whole new level and enrolled on a Crystal Healing course. I qualified in 2010, and have been using my gained knowledge ever since. Because of what I do, on a day to day basis, I have mainly focused on the colours of the gems, Chakras and Angels. Some of you familiar with Mystic Moonstone on Facebook will know that I often speak about these subjects during readings.

However, just lately the Magpie has morphed into an Owl, as on a personal level, whilst I have worked on connecting with my crystals and using them during meditations, my desire to know more has grown. My interest has started to go beyond the usual suspects that I use during Chakra work, and with this has come my awareness that I really don’t know a Feldspar (Let’s be brutally honest, my sum knowledge of aluminium is the roll I keep in the kitchen drawer) from a Chalcedony. And I really couldn’t tell you, if a gemstone is Igneous, Metamorphic, Sedimentary or Extraterrestrial, but I would like to be able to.

I can tell you things like Fluorite comes from the Latin word for flow, or that Red Jasper features in Viking legends. I can tell you that drinking out of an Amethyst goblet was once believed to prevent intoxication. Or that if your Turquoise suddenly develops a crack, it is an indication that the stone has drawn in and away from you negative energy and ill-intent. And the list goes on, and as fascinating as this is, (besides being beneficial to working with energies) it falls short of revealing just how truly fascinating these stones really are.

So at the beginning of 2022, I decided to embark on a new journey of discovery. I decided to stop being a Magpie with my eye fixed on shiny objects and morph into an Owl intent on gaining knowledge. That is when I thought about starting this blog, to chart my journey and hopefully to share some of my discoveries with you. Hands up, I don’t know everything, but by the end of this blog, I am hoping we all know a whole lot more, as we delve into the fascinating world of crystals.

Warning, my mind is far from linear, and has a tendency chase round after itself in spirals, so the blogs won’t be following any set format, but instead will focus weekly on either a new discovery, which often seems to lead to yet another. A situation I am passing through, such as me trying to come to terms with rough crystals, they can be tricky little so and so’s. Or some factual insightful information that I believe will be useful, and I may even include a scientific word or two.

I want us to approach this, not as a chore, or a learning pursuit, but as an indulgence in our love for crystals. For me this is a long held passion stemming back to my mid teens. But I remember getting really into purchasing crystals whilst going through Psychic Development, and I managed at the time to gather a large bowlful of various tumble stones. I have never believed in spending huge amounts on crystals, as often my smaller tumble stones have given off stronger vibes than my larger pieces. I think it depends, on your connection with the stone. Well back to my first collection, as said I kept them in a bowl and when either of my two youngest sons were hurt or had an issue going on, I would hand them the bowl, and was always fascinated by how they instinctively knew which stone to pick. As a Crystal Therapist, it taught me that there is no right or wrong, just an awful lot of intuition involved with crystals, and ultimately most of it comes down to colour. As a qualified Colour therapist, I guess this made me lazy, and stopped me inquiring further.

That is about to change! I shared about my sons, because I wanted you to be aware that as we pursue this journey together, if a suggestion doesn’t feel right, then listen to your intuition. Certain crystals won’t always resonate with your individual energy, and the amazing thing about crystals is there are always alternatives. For me, it has always been Jade, that I have issues with, it just makes me feel icky, despite loving the way that it looks. Crystals are all about enjoyment, think of the excitement when you hold a new crystal, that is the energy you need maintain, throughout this journey. A last point, just as they say a leopard never changes its spots, a Magpie will always be a Magpie, even when draped in Owl feathers. And so my next blog is going to be on one of my all time opalescent favourites, Opalite. Look forward to connecting with you then.

Love and Laughter, Maria


Opalite (aka Tiffany Stone, Ice cream stone, common opal)